Ready for the challenge!!
Craiova, 14/05/2016
My name is Giacomo, from Italy. I started a six months EVS project called GAIA, 2nd stage, in Craiova on 05th of May 2016 thanks to my sending organization Scambieuropei and the hosting organization Explorator. I am gonna write a short description and personal feelings. So many things came to me during this days...my first week in Romania!!I have learnt about EVS opportunity during my studies at the university and started looking for experiences abroad since then...so here I am.
As I landed, even if the weather was not properly wellcoming, the reception was full of warmness and once in the flat I started easily to feel comfortable with all the roommates.
During the next morning I had the first meeting with our volunteering coordinator for the presentation of the project and activities witch I suppose to be involved during next six months. In the afternoon I had my first approach in Beethoven school and it was the most memorable moment of this days and I began to feel already involved.
What about my first weekend?? My roomates invited me on a picnic-party located in the countryside near to the city. I spent the entire day with a roamnian guy and his family...a lot of fun!!!It was really interesting and made me understand a lot about how people live here in this part of Romania..and it was just the third day.
In end of Monday 9th of May I joined the event..”Europe Day”!!! I didn't know what to expect from this day..in the end I figure out how deep could have been my loss if I hadn't gone there. All volunteers from all project presented their own country with movies, brochure and a lot of passion..cultural exchange and knowledge are the first words that comes to me when I think to this day. I met a lot people from France, Portugal, Spain, Georgia and other countries...and everybody had something to say, something that I wanted to know.
The followiong days were also full of interesting activities, more related with our team (me, Margherita, Lena and Gayane) management and we started knowing each other prepare ourselves for the activities.
Although things are always meant to be changed and we will never know as they will go to end up, my first impression is absolutely positive because I feel comfortable and excited at the same time.
Ready for the challenge!!
Let's turn it into source
Craiova, 30/06/2016
Most of the garbge ends up in landfill is composed of plastic and food waste. Everybody knows about plastic pollution that come from its usage in our daily lifes. But what about food waste? It is commont to think about it as something useless, something that we got to throw in the garbage.
Time to disclose the secret!!
All of us knows, food is meant to be eaten not to be thrown!
But still some food waste are inevitable. Chicken skulls, eggs shells, fruit skins and tea begs are never going to be on the tables. Such waste are made out of organic matter and that means they are biodegradable. The main product of the biodegradation of organic matter is methane, CH4.
May we use this natural process in favour of us?
Home composting is a great way to do it, stopping organic waste ending up in landfill. This will reduce the production of biogas under the soil surface in landfill, avoiding dangerous explosions and massive contribution to the greenhouse effects too. There is something more! The benefit that you can reach from this natural process can also be financtial if you are running a garden or if you want to produce your own food. In this way you will never need to buy compost anymore.
If you live in an area that has a local food waste recycling collection service you can use it to dispose your organic food waste.
*Biogas production and cogeneration system, Cuneo IT
Another interesting way to reuse the energy left in food waste is to put it into a biogas digestor.
Although this kind of solution is more common to dispose and recycle great amount of organic matter usually as industrial type, it could be also homemade but requires the involvement of a little engeneering competences.
What happen inside this biodigestor?
Biodegradation of organic matter provide natural gas that can be used as a source in order to produce electricity. The proces last two month and works as a continue cycle, obviously it needs to be feeded with organic matter.It is not a probem because food waste is something we will never stop to produce.
It seems to be a good way to keep our planet clean safety and green!!

GMO from USA to Romania..too good to be true!!
Craiova, 29/07/2016
*GMO corn crops in Romania
I was on my way to Bucharest from Craiova when I met those signs!! Impossible not to recognise the GMO monocolture so I decided to take a picture and write this. People should be aware of what is happening in their country and I hope this simple article will help local people to start to think abotu it because, little by little, GMO are sorrounding us and it is not a good news!!
GMO (Genetically modified Organism) are commonly lab type seeds used to grow edible vegetable species in agricolture systems as well as corn, soy, medical grass etc..MMB (Media Modified Brains) are the results of the commercials spreaded by such companies as well as Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer in order to sell GMO seeds to the farmers getting huge financial incomes and making the farmes slaves from their products. Those commercials are so strong that are capable to persuade farmers and governments that is good to grow these GMO coltures.
More than this, these companies sell chemicals too (erbicides and pesticides) because they claim it as the solution to solve the problem of forcing out parasites from GMO coltures.
In fact, these chemicals are specifically produced for each type of GMO seeds.
Wait a minute!! The same companies are selling both GMO seeds and pesticides to use with them..It doesn't sound so good!!
Agricolture is itself an activity in which humans interact with ecosystems and many actual coltures are the result of manual/natural crossbreeding meant to concetrate positive features of different vegetable variety.
On the other side, in order to genetically modify a species, the most commons tachnique is the “DNA recombinant” and it works like this:
“DNA recombinant” technique aims to create lab type of seeds that contain a specific gene responsible to react in case of parasites attack so that the plant can resist and grow up peacefully.
The process is not as hard to understand as it seems. For instance, you must take a gene from bacteria, that is responsible to activate a way to kill the parasit of the vegetable specie, and put it into the vegetable specie DNA that you want to being protected.
But we have to start fom the concept that any kind of vegetable specie has parasites enemy; it is up to them to being strong enought to resist. It is just as nature works itself.
So what is wrong with GMO that is not with manual/natural crossbreeding?
GMO seeds type are meant to be used as monocoltural crops in order to achieve as much of product as possible.
There are many cases all around the world where farmers had to face many problems using this type of seeds as monocolture systems. (link below)
The main reason for this is that the parasite become more srtong in time and capable to resist and win the immune system of the GMO vegetable specie. After this the farmer will need a different modified specie that can resist to the new prasite and go on like this. As you can understand this is not a sustainable way to grow our food becuase we need to put more affort as time goes on, make the companies rich and the farmer slaves.
From the ecological side, GMO species are also replacing the local one reducing biodiversity. Biodiversity is the only way that vegetable speciesas, as well as all living beings, have to being protected from parasite during the time because high level of biodiversity make them more strong.
Human healt is at risk too! Chemicals contained in the pesticides are toxic and cancherogenic compound and the exposure to them is an high risk for the healt of the farmers and people that work on it.
Such companies have started a fight against nature and we are paying the price to this both from the scoial and ecological side.
Geometry is not an Opinion!!
Craiova, 20/10/2016
Good morning,
understanding geomerty through EVS, grab a pen and draw a triangle!
As I do every day since I am in Ciuperca, which more or less is the center of the triangle, today I had to walk one kilometer to have breakfast and then come bcak home, sit down in front of my lap top writing this!
ANCAAR is the institute for autistic children where we attend activities twice a week, is on the same way where I took croissant, so when I have to go there I can walk for just another kilometer straight and enjoy my croassaint. Two hours of activities there and then come back home to prepare something to eat but I have to make it fast because in one hour, as wrote in the calendar, I have to be in the office for journalistic activity and the office is almost two kilometers in the opposite direction (from our flat).
I am lucky because two months ago I decidded not to go in office any more unless I need to ask money for the needed materials.
Before my decision me and my collegues used to walk from a place to another so that we could reach the office tired enough to lost the right spirit to work.
Just one place left!! The Parcul Tineretului where we attend activities once a week, and it is located on opposite way from both our flat and the office...almost two kilometers. Usually we go there in the late afternoon so we get off office with just two chioce: change two busses or walk...but doesn't matter, the time is almost the same...take a bus here is completely useless!!
Now you have all data to place the main point in the triangle and try to understand which of the following activities we are involved the most:
Journalistic (office), ANCAR , Handball, find any relation between the activities or Footing?
To be honest there were four activities but the association decided to delete the one in Beethoven (school for children with disabilities) because nobody wanted to go there and it was also in another opposite way from our flat and not even the triangle or air in our lungs would have been enough!!
Can you immagine to walk every day, sometimes more than one hour, to move from a place to another for three different activities not related each other at all?? It sounds midless and completely demotivate!! The future is to move our ideas not our bodies...

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