My name is Lasha.I started this project in Romania in Craiova, on 03rd of december 2015. My sending organization in Georgia is “Georgian Youth for Europe(GYE)” and hosting organization in Romania “Explorator”. My Host Organisation provided me with personal support by helping to integrate in society. Host organization provided me with an activity plan as well safe working and the living conditions and introduced me with my mentor is Antonio Del Negro.
It is a my First EVS here in Craiova , before it I did not have any exparance with EVS but I had Erasmus in Poland,during my Erasmus I met so many people from EVS ,they explaned me what is the program , I was looking to them life which I really liked ,first time when they told me ‘’we are volunteers’’ that they were working for free in different places, first it was really strange for me to understand, but when they explained me everything I realized that working for free it is really one happiness thing in your life and you should to do it . When I finished my Erasmus and went back to my country I was second year student of bachelor degree but , I was searching all time about EVS one day I found vacancy for Georgians and I applied for it ,when I got finel answer I just stoped my study and went to Romania .
First Day: it was not a first time for me in another country , but still it was bit difficult, because of language, integrate with new people and so on, but in Romania people are so warm and it was not difficult for me to integrate and find a new friends.
I am shareing a flat with 3 volunteers ,two of them is from Georgia and one from Macedonia it was not difficult to integrate with them, we are sharing everything together : shopping ,cooking and so on. We already met another volunteers from different program , we became friends and with one volunteer I traveled for Christmas holiday around EU.
Now I am going to talk about our work, honestly it is first time for me to work at such kind of schools, and when we had first day there for me it was a really scary and I felt really bad but then I saw that there was nothing for to be scary ,kits are so nice ,I feel love with them they are really warm , for now I can say that I integrated with kits really good and I am happy that I am working with them.
Our project just started and you see that I feel really happy , and I think that in future it will become more and more interesting.
Lasha Kalandia
my EVS life is getting more and more interesting, these month we organized really nice event NGO Fest at university of Craiova , where we met a another volunteers from another organizations.
I can say that this month I travelled a lot , I took my free days and I went to Germany for one week , when I came back from Germany we went to on arrival training in Predeal (Romania) , it was really interesting and amazing , we met new volunteers from another counters , we had a really interesting activities I found more information about EVS and Erasmus+ program . also we had time for parties we were parting all day after training. We had really nice hotel and foods which I miss a lot. So as I told you my EVS life is getting better all time .for February we will have to work more , we will have more activities and I expect everything good from next the month.
Lasha Kalandia
I do not like writing but I have to write , now I am going to tell u about my EVS life in Craiova ,for me it's nice I really enjoy here a lot,sometimes I feel sad because I miss my country a lot , but I have fun here,good experience with great people , my last three month I have not enjoy like now , now I feel more comfortable because me and one of my friend he is also from Georgia ,his name is Avto we been roommates for last months and now we moved to other apartment which is more comfortable and with great people , we are living six and we really enjoy together,we are like a big family , it makes me feel good and happy here.
I realized,that EVS life is not easy,i had stress moments also ,i had a lot of challenges during the three month ,but I learned a lot and I will be good experience for future . Now I am preparing for mid term in Bustein ,and I am sure that after mid term it will be much more better because we will find a new friends and we will travel or they will visit us . You see man , that my EVS is getting more and more interesting :)
This month we started with very big difference: Changing the flat. As far as I live with my new flatmates I can simply say that it is very good. Me and my friend Avto we are going to activities together and it has been a good beginning for our EVS life. Now we are two Georgians, two Turkish, one Italian and one Polish are together. I am very happy about atmosphere in the flat. We are cooking together, eating together and doing other activities that you can do with your flatmates in abroad country. I can simply say that I feel like I am really doing EVS. Because it is a multicultural house and day by day I am discovering new cultures, having new friendships and enjoying a lot. Maybe I need to mention about this that we made a picnic with all my flatmates and it did not matter how old we are but we even played hide and seek! Besides this new difference, we are still continuing to our activities in ANCAAR and Bethoven School. In the beginning, actually it was a bit hard but I started to feel more comfortable with kids and also I can say that I am more confident in my relationships with kids. I observed that kids are really happy to see us and when they hug us it is a very nice feeling... For example I felt very happy because of a kid who is not able to speak after I took him outside. He was appreciated to went outside with me and just because he was happy I also felt good. Apart from the activities I also went to Midterm Evaluation Training in Busteni which is very nice place with mountains and natural beauties. I have met with some of my friends from On-Arrival Training but also I have met with new people from all around the Romania. We spent very good three days and I wish it was longer than three days. Day by day I am getting closer to end of my project but at the same time I am enjoying more and more. I hope I will continue like that, at least!
Before I came in Romania and start working with Autistic children , I did not know that much about Autism ,but when we arrived and started go to school they started to make some training about Autism , showing us some videos from internet . They were explaining children's behivours from them expariances,it helped me a lot for doing my job.With this I learned a lot new words even in my mother tongue .
during my EVS i met a lot of people from different countries ,i was working with them , paring and having fun together , Before EVS i had also Erasmus and i had the same situation for exmaple when i am joking in my native language it is more funny , or saying some expressions it is more understandible, Therefore, sometimes I faced problems to express myself. I’ve learnt that every language is special and unique and it helped me to be more respectful for my mother tongue.
i made some classes of my language for my foreign friends , first i tryied to teach them my alphabet and grammer , i did my best but i that time i realized how difficult is my native language for foreign people , especially Alphabe
My Life in Romania
It is a last month of my EVS and i AM asking to myself ‘’How was it ‘’ ? EVS teached me a lot it was a great expariance , i have not party here like how was expacting before comeing here , i have not party because maybe i was tired of it, last year i had Erasmus where i was parting all the time but now when i compare it between each other i can say that it is two competly different life . During of my EVS i started to think a lot.thinking about everything about my future life . i grown as a person ,for now i have different view ,i think now i became more serious J now i AM going to tell you a Little about my life in Craiova (Romania),i can say that here i met a great pe ople i really love that country , Romanians are such a kind people,i became really good friend with one Romanian coupe ,i love them , they did a lot for me they were helping me in etery situation , most of my time i was spenting with i arrived with two Georgian,for few month we were liveing togather but after for few reasens me and one Georgian who is my good friend moped to another Flat with other friends , we are liveing six in a Flat ,All of the mis nice . we are cooking drinking and haveing fun always togather .
Turing my EVS i had nice and sad expariancec but in the and i want to say that EVS is great life and everyone Has to try it .