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Language Cafe

It was really nice event, with our volunteer friends we represented Spain and Georgia in Vintage cafe. It looked like that this cafe is created especially for that event. The area and atmosphere was amazing and unforgettable for everyone. Until our guests came organizers started to warm up with tea, coffee and with glint wine. We were listening sophisticated music and enjoyed our time.

Finally we started event. Spanish volunteers spoke about their country, where they have born, grew up, how do they graduated, how is Spanish life style in twenty first century. Mostly they were speaking about football and food. Of course, why not? It is well known for everyone that they are great in sports and especially in football. Their national team players are worldwide famous, they are real superstars. I never get bored when I watch L. Class match between Barcelona and Real Madrid. I have never been in Spain but I have got many friends there and because of that I have heard that Spanish meal is very delicious. I hope until my EVS project ends I will visit that country.

And last part of event belonged to volunteers from Georgia. So we represented Georgian winery, alphabet, landscape and the nature, were speaking a little bit about the war between my country and Russia, that happened in 2008 of august. I will always remember our guests faces when they heard that twenty present territory of Georgia is still occupied by Russian government. But still we have got many tourists every year from Russia, it means that we don’t have any kind of problems with Russian citizens, and they are always well come in Georgia whenever they would like.

In the end of the event we found out that our guests are interested about Georgian language and they asked to us an additional lesson. Of course we are always happy when foreigner tries to discover something knew about your country and get well know at in, that is why they are already invited in Georgia by us.

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