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He has gone

Mamba,the black mamba is a famous snake endemic two parts of sub Saharan Africa,spesimens vary in colour from brown or grey to quite dark but not really black.Juvenile black mambas tend to be lighter in colour than adults and to darken with age.It is the longest species of venomous snake indegenous to the African continent.Over suitable surfaces it is possibly the speediest species of snake,capable of at least 11 km/h over short distance.It does whoever,move rather clumsily over soft send,a surface to wich it is not adapter.In a threat display the mamba usually opens its inky black mouth,spreads its narrow nack-flap and sometimes hisses.It is capable of striking at considerable range and occesionally may deliver a series of bites in rapid succession.Despite its reputation for being formidable and highly aggressive,like most snakes.It usually attempts to flee from humans unless threatended or comered.Not being proximal to humans,bites from the black mamba are not frequent. I am here typing because of to explain and to show you what does it mean real Mamba on the court.Yep i am talking about the greatest basketball player ever Kobe Bryant.Because of he used to be the fastest,the most aggressive and the same time he was so sophisticated, flaxible,absolutlybrilliant that is why people call to him the black Mamba.I remember clearly when i was still child M.J was leaving NBA and i have been so sad,like a stressed in a few weaks,without him i could not even imagine basketball and sudnley Kobe was selected with the 13th overall pick in the draft by the Charlotte Hornets,who traded him to the L.A.Lakers. Mamba earned himself a reputation as a high flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997th slam dunk contest,and he was named an all star by his second season.It looked like that for M.J it was last season in NBA but the main,Mamba was coming. I used to be a little kid and watching Kobys games,i was breaking the nights and attending his every single live match in front of TV.I had a feeling that i was playing next to him whole twenty years.We were loosing and winning togeather.We did so many unforgettable moments and that is why fans of NBA teams have a reason to hate us because mostly they loosed against L.A.Lakers.We did 5 NBA Champin, 2 finals MVP, 2 times NBA most valuable player, 18 NBA all star, 4 NBA all star game MVP, 11 all NBA first team, NBA slam dunk contest champion,that is not at all,i can speak about Mamba whole day long since he scored first time until the last shoot in his career.No one can forget Kobes 81 points in a game against Toronto. And know when Kobe finished his amazing career,the fans of NBA have to be happy but it seems absolutely opposite,whole basketball world already miss Kobe,without him everything looks lioke a dark there.Kobe said once again his last word in his last match in Staple Centre when he scored 60 points in a game and after that he just simply and shortly said:Mamba is out.

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