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Global Wind Day

Every year on June 15th Global Wind Day is celebrated around the world. It is an opportunity to remind about the campaign for the promotion of wind as a renewable and clean source of energy.

Global Wind Day was inaugurated in 2007 by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). In about 75 countries around the world, that day there are arranged happenings, exhibitions, conferences and open days on wind farms. The main goal of Wind Day is to increase public awareness of the potential of wind, as well as raise awareness of the benefits offered by the use of wind in modern wind power stations and turbines. As we know, not in all communities wind energy causes positive feelings. Wind turbines are blamed for the emission of dangerous infrasounds, harming birds and bats, lowering the value of properties, destruction of tourism or jobs, or even ... an increase in electricity prices.

Faced with such emotions and controversies about this holiday, it is necessary to organize campaigns which aware what kind of benefits or dangers are actually hidden in wind power.

The main argument of opponents of wind energy development is the permanent destruction of the spatial order. Meanwhile, paradoxically, these huge, visible from far away windmills and wind turbines are an effective protection and guarantee of maintaining the landscape unchanged. It is worth noting that after the exploitation of wind turbines, they can be quickly and safely dismantled and then the landscape returns to its original state.

Wind energy is still hot topic – which is actually good thing. It results in constant aspiration to improvement of methods of wind turbines’ work, so as to exclude the risks linked to it.

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