A sign language
What are languages? On this question, in general, people usually answer << the only way to express our feelings, appinions, thoughts etc.>> There are many new and old languages which help to express our feelings with different ways. But one of the most beautiful is the sign language. Sometimes people forget about the children , teenagers or adults who can`t speak at all or deaf people who can`t pronounce any words. It can be connected with different reasons. And how to communicate with them, how to find the way of communication with them? That is the question. Now it is possible with non-verbal communication ( gestures, pauses, head movement etc.). What about the sign language? Sign language is the interesting and difficult one. It`s really like an art which can`t learn everyone, It`s a new way of expressing feelings.

A sign language (also signed language) is a language which chiefly uses manual communication to convey meaning, as opposed to acoustically conveyed sound patterns. This can involve simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial expressions to fluidly express a speaker's thoughts. A common misconception is that sign languages are somehow dependent on spoken languages: that they are spoken language expressed in signs, or that they were invented by hearing people. Hearing teachers in deaf schools are often incorrectly referred to as "inventors" of sign language As a sign language develops, it sometimes borrows elements from spoken languages, just as all languages borrow from other languages that they are in contact with. Sign languages vary in how and how much they borrow from spoken languages. However, I think, all kind of languages are very beautiful.