“What is the social inclusion, how can we define it?”

It is almost 21st century which means that we can easily find out explanation of any terms. As for other concepts, for social inclusion as well we will come across a large amount of definitions. Nevertheless, in this set of materials I have a willing to descript the issue in non-formal way. So here is the question; “what is the social inclusion, how can we define it?” Actually, to be honest, before moving to Craiova I was not familiar with the work with children at any age. You are free to say me, that it is not very laborious and I can catch it up I would like to do it. Indeed, I should confront you because our job is really very hard to handle as we are working with autistic children and people with mental disabilities.

On the very beginning, as I really didn’t have any kind of experience, it was too difficult for me to work with me. Besides, I couldn’t role my feelings and the only thought flying every minute in my mind was “It is impossible for me, I cannot ever overcome it…” Suddenly I did remember that I had very impressive tool exactly in my hands. I am talking about the time. Time is able to change everything, due to it and our efforts and willing we`ll become more clever, smart, serious, even elder, ready to fight against new challenges and become more stronger than before. Actually, I did.

I do know these children, these people completely need our attention, our friendship, our love and not only. After all, I accept that I need more experience, more knowledge and time, but I am really doing my best to be helpful for the people who need it. I am use to perceiving challenges as new achievements to reach to the top of my dreams. In other words, for me social inclusion is the process where you are able to find out new ways to overcome the problems and stand face to face with them without any fear.