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What is ecology for me.

What is ecology? I have always listened and continue to listen that word very often. And every time different ideas come to my mind. Generally, I imagine green areas, natural flowers, rivers. Many seminars and projects are organized about this topic. Many questions are discussed during those seminars such as how to protect nature, or how to keep the town clean, not to pollute the environment, etc. I listen to those questions one moment and then I continue doing my work. I have never gone deeper into that topic. It seems that I have a lot of knowledge about it but it is not always that I realize the whole importance of it. Yes, I know that we mustn’t pollute the environment but personally sometimes it happens that I have been in a hurry and have thrown the garbage at the street. People think: “Yeah, it is a small thing. It will not pollute the big city”. And at the result we get the current picture.

People’s fault is there when they think that their “small” garbage will not pollute the environment because it has very small size. But everyone has its place and role. And the time has come when during my project I have chance to study that topic more in details. When we have divided the topics and the topic of ecology was given to me the first thing that came to my mind was “ok, what am I going to write?”. And the same associations came to my mind: fresh air, pure water, green areas. Then I thought: “Ok, I will write something”. And then our group decided that we will do our public event about ecology.

To be honest, from the first side that topic seemed very uninteresting to me. But when the organizational process started and the tasks were divided between volunteers, the topic started to interest me. I tried to use plastic bottles for getting more useful things. Then another interesting idea was suggested by my friends that I can be a “plastic princess”.

Of course, we all started to laugh at that idea by imagining me with plastic clothes but in the end we decided to realize that idea. But again I didn’t take its importance seriously. I thought: “Ok, we will play games, I will distribute the gifts to the children and will have fun. That’s it.”. And after a two-week working mess, our event started.

I was the hero “Plastic Princess”. Children played, smiled, liked my role. The princess’s coronal was made from plastic bottles but the idea was the most important thing. The gifts for children was made by us. They were simple plastic colorful flowers but they gave so much happiness to the children that one moment I also started to believe that they were real and expensive ones.

After the event we realized that we made all those stuff without spending money. By using those plastic bottles which usually pollute our environment we get better results.

Now I imagine the plastic princess’s role more clearly. With the help of games we taught children to keep their environment clean. And also to combine the pleasant thing with usefulness. Now I am on the train to Sibiu. I enjoy the natural beauty. Really, the nature is amazing when it is clean. I again remembered that I should write my article about the ecology and I started to write when I saw some plastic bottles in that “clean “area.

Let’s keep our environment clean for us and for our children.

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