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Gaining Experience Through Europe!!

Erasmus is the acronym of European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students as a UE programme estabished in 1987 for university studies exchanges. More than studies, since January 2014, other schemes have been combined in a new programme called Erasmus plus as well as training, youth and sports.

Its current budget of €14,7 billions will provide opportunities for over 4 million of Europeans to gain experience as students, trainee or volunteer abroad. This programme has opportunities for pepole of all ages hepling them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organizations in different countries.

The aim of Erasmus plus is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, social, equity and inclusion as well as the EU's strategic framework for education and training.

Who does take part of it?

The EU28 conutries and others non EU: Norway, Iceland, Turkey, Liechtestein and Macedonia Republic. Every year thousands of project are submitted by organizations across Europe in order to receive financtial support from Erasmus plus programme and the EU commission has set up a trasparent evaluation process that aims providing grants for the best project.

Which actions are supported by this programme?

-Mobility project in field of educaion, training and youth.

-European voluntary Service

-Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

-Erasmus plus Master Loans

The actions supported are expected to bring positive and long lasting effects on the participants and on the paricipating organisations involved. The activities are meant to produce different and related outcomes such as improving learning performance, enhanced employability and improved career prospects, increased self-empowerment and self-esteem, improved foreing lenguage competences, enhanced cultural awareness, more active partecipation in society.

How does the initiative work?

First of all the organisations/associations must submit a project proposal in order to receive financial support from the EU. This procedure requires the organisations/associations to follow specific rules and schedule in ordere to achieve the goals and get the project approval.

Once the project is approved the organisations/associations start to spread the project giving opportunitiy to individuals to apply for it.

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