Respect, Solidarity and Inclusion

People with intellectual and physic disability and their families are more vulnerable than others to social exclusion. The main reasons are discrimination and financial disavantages.
Discrimination begins with labels. We use labels in society in order to identify the right role and place each person should take within the community. The point is that everybody is suppose to take part on the big engine, wich is called society, like puzzle pieces and suppose to be useful for something. In this way it is easy to create differences between us so that someone (the strong) will appear at the top, and others (the weak) will be at the buttom.
In accordance with EU2020 Strategy, fighting poverty and social exclusion is the fifth of five targets. Each target has peculiar features depending on the national needs and approches and each partner of this strategy has to reach these golas in terms of reduction of people that living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion.
For instance, nowdays some people are kept out of what it thought to be the leading social classes or layers just because they cannot work properly and efficently.
Combating social exclusion is responsiblity of States and their national, regional and local authorities. Civils and ONGs aslo have an important role, necessary quite often.
Thanks to this strategy many young pepole have also the opportunity to being involved in such activities, understanding the needs of discriminated people. This is useflul to spread knowledge regarding such activities all over the Eurpoean countries and start to make a point of social inclusion.