The importance of foreign languages

How many doors foreign languages can open. How many opportunities, new things, the new and the new…
How much limited a person’s life will be if he/she doesn’t know foreign languages or even one foreign language? How many feelings people miss because of not knowing a foreign language? How many doors are left closed for those people who do not know any foreign language?
The life is too short, but you need to hurry a little bit in order to see even the smallest part of the planet, to live, to enjoy everything and all this by overcoming lots of difficulties.

How many different people you can discover from various countries? How many differences you can notice, understand, compare with your own traditions. And, of course, in case you know a foreign language you have a great variety of choice.
I want to talk about my own “language experience”. Maybe it is not much, but I have my own experience, both good and bad memories concerning foreign languages. And even in case of a bad situation, I always had good benefits form those situations.
Foreign languages: French, Russian, English (basic J ). Each of them has its own place in my life and has opened special doors for me. And due to them, now I am more mature. The French language_ Paris…during school life It was a dream, then it became a goal. French…j’ adore…I have learnt French, have learnt it and continue to love it. Due to this foreign language I have participated in many projects and as a result I realized my childhood dream. I am in Paris…with my own power J I had lots of difficulties there which I overcame only due to my language skills. Anyway,
I have achieved my goal.

The Russian language…A very useful language due to which I have opened lots of doors in various countries. Many memories in Moscow, many interesting facts discussed in Turkey and Georgia in Russian. Surely, people can travel even without knowing the language, but it is not the same. It doesn’t give the same self-confidence and the power to go forward without any dependence on anyone.
The English language…Don’t kill me, please J
I don’t know why but it is not close to my heart, but at this moment it is the most necessary thing to live and move. It is as important as the air and water, because I am in a foreign country and I have chosen this way. Now I am in Romania and I continue discovering the new only due to my English. I am not here for few days to travel and return home. I will be here still for few months and everything is connected with the language. But in Romania to recognize the country and to communicate with people English is not enough.
Learn foreign languages as much as you can…I live with Italians. I don’t know the Italian language, only few words… Da solo, da sola, si, sono totalmente d`accordo con te (I hope that the spelling is right). When Italians talk to each other, I feel that I want to learn the language in order to understand more and more. Though I sometimes understand what they talk again due to my French.
Now I realize that I want to continue this way because It is very difficult but at the same time very interesting.

The Romanian language…Now I am going to the park to do my Romanian homework. Yes, now it is the turn of the Romanian language. Every foreign language has its own place and importance and to understand the local population and their way of living you need to communicate with them with their own language.
The same word and the same sentence give different emotions in different languages but I have realized that I get the real emotions only while hearing the words in ARMENIAN. My native language ARMENIAN is totally different and it is the closest to my heart, it is MINE…
“Truly, my Armenian is totally different…”.
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