Good things are not repeated twice in life...

They say good things are not repeated twice in life.I agree. It is so. EVS experience was such for me.. EVS has changed my life completely. If U will probably ask "How?", and I will answer, but only after giving the description of Erasmus+ The Erasmus Programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students[) is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus+, or Erasmus Plus, is the new programme combining all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, which started in January 2014. I always tried to continue my study in abroad-especially in Poland by Erasmus +, but never could. It is so difficult. ( Never give up Gaya).

But I couldn`t even imagine that in the future I would have more serious project full of experiences –EVS, which is a part of Erasmus +. A project which gave and continues to give me more and more. Here you can not only improve your professional skills but also educate your individuality, get a lot of friends and, why not, travel a lot. It doesn’t matter which country you choose for your volunteering job, believe me. The important factor is to understand the main meaning of this project and take more and more-as much as possible. Yes, I am happy here! And I- a person who has always been in love with her country, doesn`t want to go back. I had a lot of adventures; people who surround me and whom I met during these 3 months here gave me the funniest moments in my life and, of course, a lot of new experience. And now I want to introduce one of the funniset adventures just in a few words, which happened last weekend. My friends and me had decided to go to the Bucharest. Our friend Davide had already bought tickets and was waiting for us in the train station.

All the time Lena was asking me- “ Gayane, let`s take a taxi, it`s already late!” But we were there in time. We caught a train. I remember that we even asked conductors whether it was the right train or not and they answered <<YES>. When we were just in the train the train started to move though we still had 15 minutes before departure. Yes, it was a wrong train. I immediately went to the conductors and told them the situation. I remember all of us were very strained, only I was laughing and enjoying every moment of our adventures. Of course we got to Bucharest very safely, but even a bit strange and funny adventures can give you a big experience for the whole life. Yes, and if good things are not repeated twice in our life, why not to enjoy every moment, every adventure we come across. Thanks Erasmus + for every moment, for every adventure, for all the experience… NEXT STOP IS CONSTANTA...)))

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