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The Plastic Planet

Avoid production af waste if the food you want to feel the taste!!

This article want to be a general description of what plastic represent in our society giving the main reason why many people started to care around this issue all over the world!

During my staying in Romania I had the opprotunity to understand the way local people live. In every single and unconscious movement of a person is possible to understand many things.

In 1861 Alexander Parkes developped a new synthesis to create the first plastic material. Nevertheless the massive use of plastic started after the second world war concomitant with the huge economic growth. The growth was possible because of the petroleum which has been using as a resource for any kind of material and energetic source. Because of that it used to be called the black gold.

Some type of plastic such as the hardest one are really usefull to make our lifes comfortable and this is a fact. On the other hand I am sure everybody have heard at least once in their life about the environmental issues relaing with the production of garbage. Production of garbage and plastic are strictly connected by the fact that every time we need to buy something from the shop it is gonna be packed in plastic. The history of a single plastic bottle started hundreds of meters underground because plastic is made out of oil (pertoleum).

Once it has been taken the oil needs to be elaborated in petrochemical factories to generate different type of plastic and then delivered everywhere to let us use it in every single moment of our life! In such factories the chemical processes require higly toxic compound to generate plastic material and that toxic compound ends up to be inside of the final product as well.

When the food in packed in plastic the chemicals contained in the plastic are slowly released on the food. In fact, the main way people are assuming toxic compound is the diet. After two month of plastic packed food

based diet the level of some toxic chemicals in the blod are so high that are capable to generate negative effect to the healt.

Most of the compund contained in plastic are officially considered cancerogenic by the healt care institutions in Europe and USA.

Plastic released in the environment must be cosiderated dangerous as well because is gonna pollute the graundwater and the atmosphere (when burned in inceneritors).

So we are playing the main role in this plastic production chain. We are doing this every single time we enter the store to buy food. Depending on the way we make shopping we are responsible of the production of garbage and this is another fact. The result of this is that plastic is everywhere and we need to end this as soon as possible!!

Just think about it!! We use plastic for everything, even to pack food that is already and naturally packed, just because somebody from the government claim that is is more hygenic preventing the risk to getting hilled. This is the biggest mistake of last century and all around the world people are paying the price of this. But don't worry, you can make the change you want! Next time you ll go to the store

bring your own bag, avoid to buy food packed in plastic, avoid production of waste if....

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