A smile changes everything
It is a my First EVS here in Craiova , before it I did not have any experience with EVS. On the very beginning, as I really didn’t have any kind of experience, it was too difficult for me to work with me. Besides, I couldn’t role my feelings and the only thought flying every minute in my mind was “It is impossible for me, I cannot ever overcome it…”
Suddenly I did remember that I had very impressive tool exactly in my hands. I am talking about the time. Time is able to change everything, due to it and our efforts and willing we`ll become more clever, smart, serious, even elder, ready to fight against new challenges and become more stronger than before...

The first day when we opened the door and entered Ancaar (Centre of autism) after an introduction, we got information about autism. I was a volunteer who has never worked with people with disabilities and have not an experience of working with them There were people with different problems who gave the impression of one group without any difference. Everything seemed so strange, sometimes even repellent. Glances, strange voices… I do know these people, these people completely need our attention, our friendship, our love and not only.

But many things have been changed during the time. And I understood that maybe they don't need special attitude towards them. After all, I accept that I need more experience, more knowledge and time, but I am really doing my best to be helpful for the people who need it. I give my time and attention to them without waiting for something back. I just want to leave some kind steps after me in this world. And their smiles are already those traces which will stay in my memory forever.