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Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into reusable materials and objects. It is an alternative to "conventional" waste disposal that can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions (compared to plastic production, for example).

Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling).

Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" waste hierarchy.

A recyclable product is turned back into a raw form that can be used to create a new and different product.

The world population is growing, not shrinking, and currently each human being adds significant waste to the planet over his or her lifetime. In New York alone, people produce enough trash in one day to fill the entire Empire State building. The frustrating thing is, in most developed countries it’s not all too difficult to make a difference. And what a difference we can make.

Recycling basically involves turning over to your local waste facility recyclable materials are used as in the next entry in designated disposal container as “recyclable” materials to be taken and used as the material for a new purpose.

There’s plenty of facts out there on why recycling is important.

Every day manufacturers are finding new ways to create items that are recyclable including paper towels, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, crayons, ink cartridges, paint, garden supplies such as hoses, furniture, wallpaper, and even garbage cans.

  • If everyone repurposed their copy of a single edition of The New York Times, we could save 75,000 trees.

  • 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.

  • 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.

  • 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.

Below are some helpful hints about recycling in and around the home.

  • Find ways of recycling different materials

Many materials can be recycled, such as paper, plastic, metal and glass. Other items such as furniture, electronic equipment, building material and vehicles can also be recycled but many people don’t often think to do so.

  • Buy products that can be recycled.

When shopping at the supermarket, buy products that can be recycled easily such as glass jars and tin cans.

  • Buy products that have been made from recycled material.

You can tell if a product is eco-friendly by looking at the label on the packaging.

  • Avoiding buying hazardous material.

It is difficult to recycle products that contain hazardous waste. Try to find safer alternatives to household cleaners and buy non-toxic products whenever possible.

  • Recycle bins.

Make sure you have a recycle bin in your home. Keep it in an obvious place so you won’t forget to use it. Your local council should be able to provide you with a recycle bin that can be used for materials such as glass, paper, aluminium and plastic.

  • By recycling garden products and planting trees, you can help improve the environment in your back garden.

Make recycling easy and fun by using recycling bins from, specialists in can crushers and recycling bin products, or, who offer an extensive range of recycling bins for schools, office and the home.

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