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Throughout history, Turkish language has been in contact with many languages and nations. He took words from foreign languages and gave them words. In most of the Balkan countries there are a lot of Turkish-speaking words. Throughout history there has always been an interaction between languages. It is natural to see significant influence from foreign languages in the form of a nation that has established close relations with various nations, has lived together, has undergone great migrations, has made great wars. Today, we know that there are still many Turkish people in the Balkans, and that there are a lot of Turkish words in this region's languages.

Throughout history, the interaction between languages has sometimes been mutual and sometime unilateral as Romanian and Turkish. As seen in the following tablature, the Turkish Language Institute published in the internet environment, the current Turkish Dictionary does not see a single word of Romanian in contemporary Turkish.

Arabic 6454 Latin 77 Hungarian 17 Portuguese 3

French 5180 German 95 Greek 14 Finnish 2

Persian 1361 Russian 40 Mongolian 13 Norway 2

Italian 610 Spanish 34 Hebrew 7 Korean 1

English 451 Slavic 25 Bulgarian 9 Albanian 1

Greek 422 Armenian 23 Japanese 9

The words originating from Turkish are accepted as words which have a history of Turkish Romanization and which are "Turkish origin".

aba < aba; abanoz < abanos; abraş < abraş; acadea < akide; acaret < akaret; acmac < ahmak; achingiu < akıncı; aferim < aferin; afif < hafif; afuzali baba < baba; babalık < babalac; baclava < baklava; bacşiş < bahşiş; baga < bağa; bagdadie < bağdadî; bagea < bağa; bairac < bayrak; bairam < bayram; balama < bağlama; balcăz < balkız; balimez < balyemez; baltag < balta; bamă < bamya; barbut < barbut; barem < bari (barim); basma < basma; basmangiu < chervan < kervan; ches < kes; chesat < kesat; cheşchet < keşkek; chiabur < kibar; chibrit < kibrit; chiftea < köfte; chihlimbar < kehribar; chilă < kile; chiler < dădacă < dadı; dairea < daire; dalac < dalak; dalcauc < dalkavuk; dam < dam; dambla < dambla; dandana < tantana; danga < danga; dara < dara; darac < tarak; delibaşă < delibaş; deliu < deli; derbedeu < derbeder; derviş < derviş; dever< halal < helâl; halca < halka; halva < helva; halvagiu < helvacı; hamal < hamal; hamalac < hamallık; han(1) < hân; han(2) < han; hanană < hanem; hanger < hançer; hangiu < hancı; hanimă < hanım; hap < hap; haraba < araba; harabagiu müezzin; muftiu < müftü; muhafiz < muhafız; muhaia < muhayyer; muhur < mühür; muhurdar < mühürdar; mumbaşir < mübaşir; mungiu < mumcu; murdar < murdar; musaca < musakka; musafir < misafir; musafirlac < misafirlik; musaip << telâş; talhâşciu < telhisçi; taman < tamam; tamazlac < damızlık; tambură < tambur; tandur < tandır; tanea < tane; tapangea < tabanca; tarabă < taraba; tarabulus < Trablus; taraf < taraf; tarama < tarama; tarapana < tarabhane; tarhon < tarhun; tarla < tarla; tas < tas; tasma < tasma; tavan < tavan; tavăzabet < zabıt; zaherea < zahire; zaiafet < ziyafet; zaif < zayıf; zaiflac < zayıflık; zalhana < salhane; zambilă < sümbül; zamparalac < zamparalık; zapciu < zaptiye; zapt < zabit; zar < zar; zaraf < sarraf; zarf < zarf; zarif < zarif; zarnacadea < zerenkada; zarpa < zerbaf; zarzavagiu < zerzevatçı; zăgan < zagan; zeflemea < zevklenmek; zefliu < zevkli; zerdiceaf < zerdeçal; zermacup < zer mahcup; zevzec < zevzek; zimberec < zemberek; zimbil < zembil; zor < zor; zuf < sof; zuluf < zülüf; zulum < zulüm; zurba < zorba; zurbalac < zorbalık

In romanian there are much more Turkish-speaking words in the number of Turkish words that this study reveals and they are used by the public.

But we can say that today's Romanian is still very influential in Turkish language and culture.

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