How to organize eco-celebration
There are lots of variants how to make celebration friendly to ecology.
Some basic principles:
- Reduce the negative impact to the environment,
- Consume wisely, refuse unnecessary and disposable items,
- Recycle waste.
If you follow this 3 principles, including preparation, then your celebration can be as harmless to nature as possible.
From this post you can find information what to do with the gifts, packaging, decorations and entertainment.
The main tips.

Don't use too much, choose multiple-using products, exchange with the friends;

Avoid cheap disposable goods;

Make the handmade toys and ornaments; use improvised materials and from the nature;

Don't take disposable flags and balloons.
On a table:

Buy the products wisely, avoid to take too much;

Choose local food;

Refuse disposable dishes or use biodegradable;

The presents and packaging:

To make wish-list and publish in in the social networks. Also check what your friends want;

Choose or make handmade present;

Emotions as a gift:
the tickets to a theater or paragliding, a certificate to the spa;

A book (for example about ecology or nature);

Natural cosmetics and products for home;

The toys made from natural materials;

The thermo mugs and eco-bags;

The flowers in the pots instead of cutted in the bouque;

Discard disposable plastic or other non-recyclable packaging. Use craft paper or magazines, and also you can pack a gift in an eco-bag, which will also be a part of the gift;

Don't throw away the presents you don't like, bring them to free-market;

Refuse the balloons, firecrackers, fireworks. It's littering nature and dangerous for the animals and birds;

During the public events don't leave the waste on the ground, keep it clean;

In the nature, make the fire in the allowed places and leave a place clean after you.
Be offline and enjoy of time!