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EVS life

EVS life

European education programs are constantly challenged to prove their potential for an added educational value. a new generation of EU programs for education and training, youth, culture and citizenship has been introduced to promote European awareness, active citizenship and eventually lead to the shaping of a European identity. These programs shall encourage young European citizens to take an active role in social action and community development; they shall offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience for personal development. Like the other Actions of the Youth in Action Program, the European Voluntary Service (EVS) addresses directly to the individual young person as a learning person. One of its features is a range of training and evaluation provisions guiding young volunteers through a non-formal learning process before, during and after their Service period abroad. This document takes up the question what should be the framework, the contents, the methods and the possible achievements of trainings and evaluations for EVS volunteers.

EVS Training and Evaluation Cycle is not a stand-alone subject. Information and support for the volunteer's Activity, continuous counseling and guidance before, during and after the Service period, training for project managers, mentors and trainers add up to a complex set of measures, accompanying volunteers and promoters all through the experience called European Voluntary Service.

I have my EVS in Romania (Craiova) ,my program started in 3 of December and it will finish 3 of June EVS is interesting ,we are working with spatial needs children and in Autism Autism School we are going and making therapy , we have also sport activities, we are playing football or basketball with children. They are so kind and they are happy for that we have activities with them,it makes me motivated for my activities.

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