Youthpass is the writing outcome of a non-formal education/experience. It has been created by the European commission as recognition tool...

EVS experience
7 months have passed since in my EVS project has started and I believe that it is a really great opportunity for young people to do...

Erasmus Mundus
The European Union's Erasmus Mundus programme aims to enhance quality in higher education through scholarships and academic co-operation...

Youth Exchanges Program
I would like to tell you about the one of great programs by Erasmus+,which name is Youth Exchanges. According to information on the site...

According to the information at official website Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, help them develop and share knowledge...

European Voluntary Service
Erasmus+” program has a lot of different opportunities for every person. Erasmus is the acronym of European Region Action Scheme for the...

Erasmus +
I would like to tell you a little about Erasmus + program. This program brings a lot of interesting opportunities to everyone - students,...

Celebrating the week of Voluntary Service: “Why Not?”
“Why Not?” will be the title of an event organized by a group of volunteers from different European Voluntery Services (EVS) here in...

The life of a volunteer
A volunteer is not a potato, a volunteer is not an animal, and yet not quite human in all respects. But, jokes aside, a volunteer doth...

Erasmus +
One of the basic rights each exchange student has is the full recognition of courses passed successfully abroad by the home university....