EVS experience

7 months have passed since in my EVS project has started and I believe that it is a really great opportunity for young people to do something good and at the same time became better people.
I think that international projects like EVS give you:
1.New experiences, opportunities to try something new.
For example in Russia I was working as an economist but now in Craiova we are working with children in school, with children with autism in ANCAAR, we organize different events connected with a healthy lifestyle, languages, ecology and social inclusion. This experience gives us the opportunity to learn a lot of new things.
During any international program you will improve not just your English but also it get the chance to learn the language of the hosting country.
You can visit a lot of interesting places and easily explore the hosting country. In Romania it is really simple to travel by hitchhiking. People are really kind and helpful. You can also stay with other volunteers in other cities or try to use couchsurfing.
4.Opportunity to learn about a new culture from the inside.
This experience is completely different from touristic traveling. You have a good chance to meet local people, to be part of new culture. It helps you to become a well-rounded person
5.Chance to leave your comfort zone.
Sometimes it can be really hard to be far away from your family and friends. Sometimes you feel that nobody understands you, that this project not for you, that you are just very tired or maybe something else, because for it is very different for each person. But I believe it is normal, you can grow by leaving your comfort zone, you became better. As for me, after 6 month in Craiova I feel that I have my second home and second family here. Now I already know how to do my job better and enjoy the process. Now I am a different person compared to who I was when the project started.
6.Opportunity to meet a lot of amazing people.
For me this is the most important part of our project. Now I have really close and good friends from different countries. International projects can help you to learn a lot of new things about other countries and nationalities: I realized that people are more or less the same. We can have different taste in food but we all have the same fears, dreams and problems. I truly believe that nowadays, when we have such difficult and tense political situations it is really important for young people to be the part of these kind of projects.
At the end I want to say that for me personally my EVS is priceless experience with a lot of different emotions and good memories and I feel really grateful for this opportunity.