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European Voluntary Service

Erasmus+” program has a lot of different opportunities for every person. Erasmus is the acronym of European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students as a UE programme estabished in 1987 for university studies exchanges. More than studies, since January 2014, other schemes have been combined in a new programme called Erasmus plus as well as training, youth and sports.

.Which actions are supported by this programme?

Study abroad with Erasmus+

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

European Voluntary Service and youth exchanges

Teach abroad with Erasmus+

Traineeships with Erasmus+


European education programs are constantly challenged to prove their potential for an added educational value. a new generation of EU programs for education and training, youth, culture and citizenship has been introduced to promote European awareness, active citizenship and eventually lead to the shaping of a European identity. These programs shall encourage young European citizens to take an active role in social action and community development; they shall offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience for personal development. Like the other Actions of the Youth in Action Program, the European Voluntary Service (EVS) addresses directly to the individual young person as a learning person. One of its features is a range of training and evaluation provisions guiding young volunteers through a non-formal learning process before, during and after their Service period abroad. This document takes up the question what should be the framework, the contents, the methods and the possible achievements of trainings and evaluations for EVS volunteers.

For me any volunteering experience is a great chance to get to know myself . Doing something for other people without thinking about what I can get for it makes me feel free: I don’t do that for necessity but just because I want to, and from freedom comes self awareness. Because of that, I feel very lucky to have this opportunity and I’m sure it will help me to take important decisions in my life.


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