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Erasmus +

I would like to tell you a little about Erasmus + program. This program brings a lot of interesting opportunities to everyone - students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers and so on. It's not just about Europe or Europeans either - with Erasmus+, people from all over the world can access opportunities. For example, you can volunteer across Europe and beyond or participate in a youth exchange abroad.

Eligible countries are divided into two groups, Programme countries and Partners countries. Although Programme countries are eligible for all actions of Erasmus+, Partner countries can only take part in some, and are subject to specific conditions. I am from Russia – Partner country, and now I am having my EVS project in Romania with Erasmus + program.

I think it is important to promote this program because young people should know that they have a lot of opportunities to improve their lives, to get new experiences, travel, learn and practice languages, meet new people and make new friends. When I was studying at university, I had no idea about the different international programs. In Russia young people did not have a lot of information but now I think the situation has become better. For example my sending organisation SFERA is doing a really good job in promoting volunteering programs in my country (work camps, LTV, EVS). I was really excited when I read about EVS. Even though I have quite large work experience in my country, EVS represented a great opportunity for me. First of all I got to try something new and interesting, rethink some things in my life and learn new stuff about myself and the people around me. Secondly, I believe that intercultural communication and projects like EVS allow us to learn more about the world around us, about traditions, people characters and as a result helps us become more open-minded and tolerant. Finally, for me, this project means a chance to learn about Romanian culture from the inside and travel around this beautiful country.

At the Erusmus + website you can read about all opportunities for individuals:

• Study abroad with Erasmus+

• Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

• European Voluntary Service and youth exchanges

• Teach abroad with Erasmus+

• Traineeships with Erasmus+

And for organisations:

• Study abroad with Erasmus+

• Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

• European Voluntary Service and youth exchanges

• Teach abroad with Erasmus+

• Traineeships with Erasmus+

In conclusion, I want to say that I am really grateful that Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop, share knowledge and experience with the help of institutions and organisations in different countries.

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