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Healthy lifestile

In Wikipedia we can read that healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being. The ways to being healthy include healthy eating, physical activities, weight management, and stress management. And I would like to stop a little on all of these aspects.

Healthy eating is in my opinion the most complicated topic. For example, some people believe that meat should be an integral part of everyday meals; others believe that meat is not good for our health and environment. We can find the opposite opinions about every product. But there are some simple tips about food that could help to be healthy:

  1. It is important to have regular meals and not to skip them either.

  2. Avoid snacking in between meals.

  3. Try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole, grains, pulses, dairy products and so on.

  4. Choose brown bread, brown rice over white bread and pasta.

  5. Eating around five servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

  6. Substituting meats with oily fish, on certain days of the week.

  7. Cutting down on the intake of sugar, fat and sodium in a diet.

  8. Choosing beverages for consumption very carefully and avoiding liquor, coffee, aerated drinks and sweet fruit juices.

The next important part of healthy lifestyle is physical activities. In my opinion, physical activities should be an integral part of our life. Doing exercise helps improve our health and reduces risk for many chronic diseases. Physical activity of moderate intensity – such as walking, gardening, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing all night, cycling, or doing sports – has significant benefits for health. Some physical activity is better than doing none. By becoming more active throughout the day in relatively simple ways, people can quite easily achieve the recommended activity levels.

Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It includes a balance of healthy eating and physical exercise. I think in general if you do your best in the first two parts of healthy life style you will not have problems with your weight.

And finally stress management is aimed to control a person's levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday life. I think that it is really important to be around positive people, laugh a lot, do what you truly love, sleep enough and enjoy your life. It is seems simple but in practice it could be really hard to remember that we have just one life and we should focus in good things (especially when you feel ill or something bad is happening).

In conclusion I want to say that it is not so hard to have a healthy lifestyle but it requires some discipline and real will. For example in Russia I had quite a lot of healthy habits: fresh juice from vegetables in the morning, a lot of fruit and vegetables during the day, every day I did an hour of yoga, jogging, when the weather was fine and so on. When I came in Romania as a volunteer I had to quit some of these habits and as a result I have cold here almost all the time. Now I understand how important my lifestyle for my health was and now I want to come back to some of my habits and maybe create new ones more suitable for my life here.

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