Social inclusion

Social inclusion is the purposeful process of transferring the social experience of the child, taking into account its characteristics and needs and creating adequate conditions for this transfer. As a result, the child is involved with all social systems. Those are designed for healthy children who are meant to become productive members of society. Social integration implies: 1. the impact of society and social environment on the personality of the child (the child needs to prepare, develop life skills and professional skills). 2. the child must be active 3. improvement of society's attitude to child: the society should be tolerant to disabled people and create an adequate environment for them in order to reduce their demands in relation to other members of society. There are many children with special needs and the government needs to implement regulations to help facilitate the children’s development. The most important in social integration is the principle of socialization, which implies that the child is included in all social processes, through which the individual learns and reproduces a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to function as a full member of society, learning social norms and cultural values. Socialization includes: early socialization (birth to school); education (school and professional); social maturity (work activity); completion of the life cycle (after cessation of employment). The process of socialization occurs in the areas of: 1. activity – the person is an implementation of a down payment and ability; 2. communication – develop communication skills and interaction with others. 3. in consciousness, consciousness and understanding yourself – developing the correct self-assessment, which implies an adequate opinion from the judgment of the person about himself, about his place and role among other people. These things should be included in the early stages of social integration : 1. direct contacts between children of different educational systems; 2. those should be based on informal communication situations There need to be more cooperative activities between healthy children and children with disabilities. Social integration into the culture of their peers is affected by age, gender and type of violation. The older children with disabilities, the more difficult integration. Girls are more positive towards integration than boys. With the integration in the preschool environment more negative role of motor impairment in comparison with intellectual and school a group of peers, on the contrary, children with motor disabilities integrate more easily than with intellectual disabilities. Integration into society of children with disabilities is a purposeful process of transferring social experiences. I think, the most effective way of social integration of people with disabilities is transformation positive social attitudes towards children with disabilities possible through a large-scale campaign to educate society about the abilities of people with disabilities. With this purpose it is necessary not only to develop and adopt normative-legal acts that promote the charity in the interests of various categories of children, but also to intensify cooperation with the media with the goal of creating a solid social position regarding the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities, to conduct scientific-practical conferences and seminars, publish books, create videos that involve shooting in movies persons with disabilities, to create cartoons with characters with disabilities play a positive role where disabled people are shown in a positive way, where they independently and successfully solve their problems in life. Such films should be broadcast on the Central channels in prime-time.