Romanian folklore is the best preserved, most varied and traditional in Europe.The tasteful beauty of the regional costumes can be seen...

Happy Teaching Happy Learning
1. Less Formal Schooling = More Options Students in Finland start formal schooling at the age of seven. Yes, seven! Finland allows...

National Sovereignty and Children's Day in Turkey
Solemn ceremonies and children’s festivals take place throughout Turkey on National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, held on April 23 each...

Autism Awareness Day
The 2nd of April is the world day for disseminating information about the problem of autism. World Autism Awareness Day was established...

Every child is special
Although every child is special, children with special needs are unique and require greater attention and care. Many countries have...

THE REFUGEES Ä°N EUROPE HAVE COMMUNÄ°CATÄ°ON AND Ä°NFORMATÄ°ON NEEDS Since 2015 more than a million woman men and children have undertaken...

Social inclusion
Social inclusion is the purposeful process of transferring the social experience of the child, taking into account its characteristics...

A smile changes everything
It is a my First EVS here in Craiova , before it I did not have any experience with EVS. On the very beginning, as I really didn’t have...

Working out autism
Most things you try to do are an attempt at succeeding at something. That something is a task, difficult or easy, just an objective to be...
It is difficult to predict outcomes for young people on the autistic spectrum because of the range of learning and social difficulties...